
The NDSE Committee

The NDSE Committee is a Standing Committee of The Royal College of Dentists of Canada (RCDC). It will provide oversight of the National Dental Specialty Examinations (NDSE) through examination standard setting, policy development, and financial management. The Committee is responsible for ensuring the integrity of the examination through management of the development, administration, quality assurance and evaluation of the NDSE. The NDSE Appeals and Credentials Committees will report to the NDSE Committee.

NDSE Committee Membership

Voting Members

Dr. Jean-Pierre Picard – NDSE Committee, Chair

Mr. Dan Faulkner – DRA Representative

Me. Caroline Daoust – DRA Representative

Dr. Randall Croutze – DRA Representative

Dr. Omar Usman – RCDC Representatives             

Dr. Carolyn Mason – RCDC Representative                                                                                                     

Dr. Viren Naik – Public Member

Dr. Haider Al-Waeli – ACFD Member                                                                                                     

Dr. Mintoo Bashati – CDAC Member                            

Dr. Doug MacKey – NDEB Member                                                                                                     

Dr. Trish Lukat – CDSA Member                                                                                                     

Dr. John Zarb – NDSE Appeals Committee Chair

Non-voting Members                               

Dr. Robert Loney – Examiner-in-Chief, NDSE

Ms. Amandine Perdebat – RCDC Managing Director                                                                                               

Ms. Marie Lyne Laliberte – Psychometrician                                                                                                 

Vacant – Competency Profile Review SME

Mr. Sean Gehring – NDSE Committee Staff Support                                                                       

Meeting Procedures

Schedule – Quarterly or when called by Chair.